Bible Lovers
Conference 2024

For every lover of the Bible, who is passionate about Biblical teachings and committed to the spread of the Bible around the world.

The Bible is the scripture of truth.

In a world full of deception and distraction, every Christian requires the truth of God’s word for an effective Christian life.

When they get a hold of the true word of God as contained in the holy scriptures, it will produce in them conviction of the reality of God’s Word, strengthens and protects them against the world’s vanity and its deception.

This is why we convene the Bible Lovers Conference, to further provide opportunities for attendees to deepen their understanding of the Bible, its relevance today and the need to sustain the injunction of the spirit to keep the Bible in its place as the number one book in the world through effective sponsorship of its translation into more languages, production and distribution around the world.


Conference Schedules


Seminar Topics

The global Bible agenda and world evangelization 
The global Bible translation, production and distribution challenge and our stakeholder’s response 
The Bible yesterday, today and tomorrow 
Global Bible impact reports
The importance of the Bible in the scheme of things 
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BLC 2024 highlights

Who can Attend?

Every lover of the Bible, who is passionate about Biblical teachings and committed to the spread of the Bible around the world.
Have questions about the schedule, speakers, or how to get involved?​
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